Industrial water use includes water used for such purposes as fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling, or transporting a product; incorporating water into a product; or for sanitation needs within the manufacturing facility.
(hope this helps)
First, there were two independent clinical psychologists who were present or on call 24 hours a day. They had the power to intervene and to remove anyone from the study if they thought they were in distress.
Second, we had paramedics and security guards on hand and ready to intervene at a moment’s notice if anything untoward happened in the study.
Third, the study was constantly monitored by members of a five-person independent ethics panel. This was chaired by a Member of Parliament and also included members of the Holocaust Educational Trust, the Howard League for Penal Reform, the BBC’s Independent Editorial Policy Unit and a senior academic psychologist. This committee had the power to change the way the study as a whole was run and to terminate it if they had ethical concerns.
Spatial competition occurs when the amount of space available is inadequate to satisfy existing or expected future wants. For example space for transport or agriculture may be at the expense of space for ecosystems
As far as a threat, North Korea has been seen as such for many years (since WWII), when North Korea sided with Russia. America and its Capitalism were not fond of the Communist party, and so we have really been fighting/being concerned about Russian influence.
Historically North and South Korea have been in conflict many years before America and Russia got involved. When we did though it got worse.
Trump has done very little to resolve this, some would say he is making it worse.
AND as for any current events ask Google!