They have a rhyme scheme of ABAB, CDCD, EFEF. The final two lines are a couplet and have the rhyme scheme GG. You can see the pattern with the last words of each line in the Shakespearean sonnet example noted above: A - sun.
Explanation:there lived a girl named kana she was raised up in a very responsible family this family was very humble when she was 7 years old when her parents got kidnapped she cried and cried on the third day of her parents kidnapping two strangers came to the house a man and a woman she allowed the strangers she fed this strangers wore them her father's and her mother's clothe she never knew that this were her parents it was on her 8th birthday when she found out that those strangers were her parents she was so happy "it pays to be kind to strangers".
the team wins a place in the state playoffs only after it performs well all season
Answer If you're into mangas then I would recommend Blackbird to me it was such a good book but it's a series of 18 and I swear It will make you cry
The lines that show that Macbeth is on the verge of giving in to temptation, knowing very well that he is considering committing a terrible crime are:
<em> "Macbeth wonders to himself whether all the prophecies will come true"</em>. He knows that in order to become King, he has to commit a terrible crime, killing his cousin Duncan and he is thinking of doing this.