Non, je ne crois pas au Père Noël.
<u><em>CROIRE présent</em></u>
<u>je crois</u>
tu crois
il/elle/on croit
nous croyons
vous croyez
ils/elles croient
hope this helps ☺☺☺
you add...subtract...multiply...divide and more
the Candy Witch
JILL Evil Candy Witch? Why?
MOUSE Because she is the only one who can disguise you.
JACK And why do we need to be disguised?
MOUSE Because it's the only way to get past Prince Charming's men in the village and to the castle where your mother is.
JILL How can Prince Charming be evil? I mean, he's Prince Charming!
MOUSE Because Prince Charming is just his name, Jill. He's neither a prince nor is he charming. Trust me.
JILL This world is strange.