He turned into speakme about the wish that was given to slaves while the emancipation proclamation changed into exceeded and for a long time, it did nothing. It came as a joyous daybreak to quit the lengthy night of their captivity." Metaphor: The Emancipation Proclamation is in comparison to a "fantastic beacon light of hope." The injustice of slavery is in comparison to searing flames. The Emancipation Proclamation is compared to a joyous daybreak after a long night.
<span>The correct answer should be A. Investing in stocks. That's basically why the great depression happened in the first place. People were investing into stocks more and more but the companies were not doing so well so they couldn't return the money to investors. This lead to the whole stock market crashing and this in turn destroyed the banks and banks had to pull themselves out so they pulled the regular people in and the whole economic system collapsed.</span>
Answer: "pheromones" .
<u>Note</u>: "Odorless chemicals" that serve as "signals" to members of one's own species are called: <u> pheromones </u><u /> .
<span>The chapter opens with a description of Gatsby’s parties and his hospitality. Nick is invited and attends, where he meets Jordan again, and has several conversations with other guests. Some of the guests gossip about Gatsby and the origins of his wealth. Jordan and Nick search for Gatsby, ending up in the library, where they meet a man with owl-eyed spectacles who enthuses about the books being real. </span>