And he was the most stubborn man Phillip had ever known. But after the ... book, with gun ports along the high wall that faces ... go there,. Phillip," she said angrily. "We are at war! Don't you understand?" ... that it meant death and destruction. ... lonely little island where Timothy is buried. Maybe I wont know it by sight,.
In narration, a motif is any recurring element that is important to the story.
So, from the story, the motif of wishing applies to the major characters in different ways.
For Yoni, he wishes for success, Sergei wishes for a friend, while the goldfish wants freedom.
The similar thing about their wishes is that they want all wish for what will bring satisfaction and contentment to their lives and it is different because they all have different wishes, as no wish is the same.
During he Pilgrim's Progress, both Christian and his companion are
detained as they pass through Vanity Fair, because of their open disdain about the contents of the area.
I personally think it's B. Talking about the online coverage allowing kids to connect relates to giving interesting perspectives from kids in today's world
At three o'clock tomorrow, I will be working in my office.