Pope Leo X was the son of Lorenzo de Medici, also called Lorenzo the Magnificent, who was the de facto head of the Florentine Republic from 1469 till 1492.
Opportunity is defined in Webster's Dictionary as 'A good position, chance or prospect for achievement'; which is easily connected to the idea of The American Dream. After all, isn't America known as 'The land of opportunity';? Most people came to America, and still come for that matter, in search of a better life through hard work and dedication to their cause. In 'China man's Chance: Reflections on the American Dream'; by Eric Liu, it is stated that '...it (the American Dream) does demand the opportunity to achieve progress-and values the opportunity as much as the achievement.'; This statement is imperative because it gives recognition to those who try to reach their goals, even if they cannot achieve them fully.
While initially, the civil rights
act of 1964 gave legal protection from discrimination based on race, color,
religion, sex or national origin. Later amendments to the act (made in 1957 and
1960) extended the protection to disabled Americans, women in collegiate
athletics and the elderly.