Ask me what I'm going to do with all the winter clothes I come ?. I am going to live in Puerto Rico for a couple of years but then I return to Montana and I will need it. I really like sweaters and I have a lot. I do not want to give them away or leave them. I prefer to take them but I'm not going to see place I think it's hotter in Puerto Rico than in Montana in summer, but of course, there's no winter as cold as in Montana I'm going to die of heat! I'm not used to it, but I know it's going to like a lot I want to know the whole island
Why don't you need to know alot of Lionel Messi?
I translated it for you, it's not entirely authentic, but hopefully it's a little helpful..
either A. fui or B. era because Spanish from spain is different from other country.
but i'll go for B. era
Estoy visitando Madrid, por ahora todo va genial! Hace mucho frio aqui entonces todo el mundo va con chaquetas y abrigos, tambien la gente lleva pantalones puestos. Yo tengo puesto unos guantes azules marinos con un gorro de nieve, calcetines gordos, una camisa amarilla, un pantalon blanco, y un abrigo negro con unos zapatos negros. Hoy voy a ir a el centro comercial a comprar unas zapatillas blancas y otras rojas. Despues cuando compre los zapatos voy a la tienda de comida a comprar frutas y vegetales. Una tradicion muy importante de Madrid y de toda Espana son los reyes magos.
<h3><em>Your welcome :)</em></h3>