Auto loans and house loans tended to grow to more heights, and tended to be easier to obtain, it was the up and coming thing of the time. So, consumers thought, hey??? why not?
Though I do not know the choices you have to choose from, this is the one I have known for a while. If you want to comment back to my comment with the choices you were given, I will gladly help if this comment didn't provide an answer available to you.
Many industrial cities such as Detroit have a history of dominance of employment sector by industries.These industries paid relatively high wages for low-skilled jobs and gave a sense of security ensured by large unions. But at the same time these safe conditions discouraged workers from starting their own businesses or continuing education.
Hence, Declining basic employment sector in industrial cities have left them with a lack of job opportunities for a poorly qualified workforce pushing many families below the poverty line.
Because of a debt crisis among the citizenry and opposition to the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades and the result was that the rebellion was crushed.
The Wagner Act gave labor unions government support. It created a system to arbitrate disputes between unions and employers