B. or D.
Sorry I can't give you the exact answer. But I can erase 2 of the wrong ones.
Overgeneralization is when you use a vague description to make a claim that is false, which is a logical fallacy. It's basically incorrectly using the law of syllogism. Everyone could easily be used in a overgeneralization:
"<em>Everyone</em> likes this shirt. This shirt is blue. Therefore, everyone likes blue shirts.
Never could also be used in a overgeneralization:
"All cars have wheels. Trains have wheels. Therefore, all cars are trains.
Again, sorry I can't give you the exact answer.
The correct answer is "friendship" and "connection".
The theme of a story is the message the author wants to convey, and tells us what the story is about.
In "Kabuliwala" we can say that two of those themes are friendship and connection.
Let's see each one:
- Friendship: This issue is reflected in the friendship relationship established between Mini and Rahamat, who was an Afghan street vendor. Despite having a great age difference, their friendship was great and they shared deep feelings.
- Connection: This theme portrays the connection between people. As we have already seen, the link between Mini and Rahamat was very strong, but once he goes to jail, Mini forgets about him and no longer knows him when he sees her again. This leads Rahamat to think that his real daughter has also forgotten him. These types of connections are the ones covered in this topic.
Online class is way harder then offline class
The answer should be either A or D if that narrows it down for you!