¿Dónde se encontrarán Bolsa y Sancho con Billy Jo? En el Mechanicat crabby's crab shackat en la oficina de correos
Answer: B. Rosa no merecía la suerte que el destino le dio al irse con ese hombre.
Explanation: This fits the best since the metaphor talks about how beautiful Rosa was until a thorn came, implying that fate gave her something bad.
Hope this helps, ¡buena suerte!
What helped me learn Japanese was making more of my environment more like Japan. I had my parents learn some phrases so when I replied in Japanese they would understand and could reply. I would listen to Japanese talk shows a lot more, talking to some friends or trying to speak to native speakers and reading books in Japanese.
The correct way to say it (in this case) would be:
-Haz lo justo. (tu)
You can also say:
-Vinimos para hacer lo justo.
Then, depending on the person (and also the context) you are talking to you could say:
-Usted haga lo justo.
-De manera tal que tu hagas lo justo.