Reproductive strategy is loosely used to refer to the way an animal mates and/or raises offspring
The principle of ruling in critical thinking that this reminds us to consider is the ruling principle. Critical thinking is the objective analysis of facts to form a judgement. Based on Ruling out Rival Hypotheses; findings consistent with several hypotheses require additional research to eliminate these hypotheses.
Explanation: Hydropower is the generation of electricity from water through the construction of dams. it is a renewable energy source use over a wide range of environment. Construction of a waters storage project can raise the water level behind a dam from a few feet to several hundred feet by prevention water free flow called Inundation.
It leads to migration of human and other living organism such as fish and salmon. Salmon movement may be disoriented through the slower move of the water this leads to migration.
Fish moving around the dam coming in contact with turbines and the walls of the dam can become stressed, injured or die
vegetation and surrounding water it provide habitat for birds, waterfowl, and small and large mammals when hydroelectric project results in blockage of free-flowing river, the nesting, forage, and cover provided for the organism in these areas is temporarily or permanently lost.
B. CO2 out
The excretion is the process of removal of the waste product from the body. The carbon dioxide is the byproduct of the aerobic respiration, which is carries from the tissues and the lungs by blood. In the lungs at alveoli, the carbon dioxide is transferred from the blood to the lungs and released out through the nostrils. Hence, the out of the carbon dioxide represent excretion through lungs.
The answer is; D
Solar cells usually convert solar energy into electricity which could later be reserved. The efficiency of solar cells is still low, compared to other sources, with a conversion rate of 15% - 22%. This reduces the attractiveness of solar cells as a competitive source of energy. This also makes this form of energy expensive due to its inefficiency.