Hello. You forgot to attach the cladogram. The cladogram is attached below.
They share a recent common ancestor.
The cladogram is a diagram widely used to show the relationship between the different taxes that make up the species. Using this diagram it is possible to observe the ancestry and biological evolution of living beings over the years.
Each line in the cadogram represents a living being, or a taxon that gave rise to other lines, that is, it gave rise to other living beings. In this case, in the cladogram below we can see that the two organisms highlighted in pink, have lines that originate from the same line, which shows that these organisms share the same ancestor.
<em>Out-Group Homogeneity</em> uses the cognitive bias that describes the tendency to perceive the members of an out-group as more alike than members of your in-group.
It also has to work with other systems in order to make laws