Interdependence means "the dependence of 2 or more people or things on each other". You basically depend on each other for goods, support, etc.
Specialization means "the process of concentrating on and becoming expert in a particular subject or skill." What this means is that you basically just focus on mastering a certain job or skill.
Colonies depended on Europe for trade, because most european countries only allow their colonies too trade with them. Without other people too trade with, colonies start to depend on Europe too get whatever they want, and also depend on europe too get money for their products
Requested is a synonym for summon
Well from the way I see it, if other countries were to get in on the holocaust it would just make it worse becuase then Germany would have to start a war with those countries and it would be a big mess and I’m sure other countries feared that something like that would possibly happen which is why they didn’t act upon it and if they did they would be causing problems for their own country which is what they didn’t need.