It sounds urgent. Phrases such as "Hurry-hurry" especially highlight this. Also, the phrase "can't you see" implies that the people aren't working fast enough and emphasizes the urgency.
Personification is giving human or human like characterisitics to something nonhuman.
Winning the lottery can tend to ruin many people’s life’s. So I would advice my teacher to be careful with the money and who she tells. Other than that I believe she should spoil herself as she deserves it. Or maybe make a fund for her child’s college. As long as my teacher is humble and careful she should spend her money however she wishes!
The correct answer is option two.
According to the passage, the men are not fully in high spirits with the provisions supplied by Raven. It is not until Raven decides to provide the men with the real human company of the women that the men feel doublessly contented. As a result, the Haida hold within a physical as well as an emotional need, because now they also have company to take care of the earth.