Answer: Ways of starting a conclusion for an essay are saying things like "As you can see...", "Having stated my reasons for...", "To sum it all up...", "I hope you now understand..." and many more but these are some off the top of my head.
Explanation: The reason for this is that the purpose of writing a conclusion is to sum things up and that is exactly what these closers are doing. Hope this helps.
A very
Beautiful day
Comes when I
Don’t spend
Every second worrying
For what’s in the future,
Good days don’t always come easy
I try to grow within myself and avoid
Jealousy, I’ve realized over time it
Love seems easier
Makes thinks easier
Nobody really wants to fight
Over nonsense.
Perhaps that’s just me thinking
Quite a lot of people seem to not
Realize how helpful it is to have common
Trying my best,
Understanding what I am doing in the moment
Very important steps to progressing
Who wouldn’t want to grow?
You know now how I feel, about feeling too
Zealous. I simply want to grow
In this passage, Whitman is celebrating how the death and life of his self and his body are interconnected with the natural world.
When we die, the physical substance of the body—literally the molecules of the flesh—rot away to become once again a part of the natural world. But the same thing is true when we are living. We breathe in the molecules of the air, which become a part of us, even as they began as a part of other things. "Song of Myself" is all about these kinds of transcendent connections. Whitman is celebrating his "self" ("I celebrate myself, and sing myself"), but he's doing so by acknowledging the ways his self relies on the forces and energies and bodies of the natural and human worlds around him.