In Arlana's culture, asking for a second helping of food is considered a compliment to the cook. While visiting with people from
another çulture, she notices that they never ask for more food, and she thinks that they are being rude to the cook. Which term describes Arlana's judgment?
The term which describes Arlana's judgement is culture shock. Arlana is disoriented by the fact that the people from another culture don't ask for more food, since she's not familiar with that kind of conduct. In her opinion, they are being rude to the cook because to her the usual and expected thing one should do to show politeness would be to ask for a second helping of food. Because the people with her, who are from another culture, don't do that, probably due to its not being considered as an example of "good manners" in their own culture, Arlana, whose culture is different from theirs, and therefore carries different beliefs and values, is completely shocked.
I believe that Faustus originally asked Mephastophilis to bring him Helen of Troy because he lusted after Helen and wanted to possess her. Helen is the symbol of ultimate beauty, and his hedonistic side wanted to indulge his more primal needs.