The answer is "20"
The governor is the person, who controls the agencies, board commissions, committees, and constitutes the justice department, that governor often signed bills into legislation and he may also call the legislature into special session.
- He has the authority to grant life sentences and that is the only person authorized to call in the regular army.
- In the years 2000 to 2010, 20 governors can't fulfill their terms, that's why they will be replaced by the lieutenant governor.
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Japan's Reaction Despite the horror of Hiroshima, there were many in the Japanese government that disbelieved the United States had the technical ability to develop, yet alone transport and drop, an atomic bomb. The events of August 9 changed all that.
maya Angelou had to overcome being a victim of se!ual assault. Maya Angelous mothers boyfriend r!aped her and he had told her if she tells anyone he will kill her brother. she told her brother anyway and after that a group of men found her mothers boyfriend and killed him. this left maya thinking that her words caused someone to die. she became silent and wouldn't talk or interact with anyone. a short while after mayas teacher guided her and assured her that it was not her fault. Maya then started to speak up and began to heal from that incident. not only did she overcome this challenge, she also inspired others and helped other victims of r!ape.