The introduction of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney had a great effect on the plantations, as well as slavery. Before the cotton gin was invented, the production of cotton was a… painstaking business. To remove the cotton fiber from the seeds took a great amount of time.
tenth century
Muslim rule was swiftly expanding in 7th and 8th century ranging from territories in Spain to Indus and thereby controlling the trade route across the Mediterranean. Muslim Spain was during the rule of Abd al-Rahman III, the Umayyad Muslim leader. Muslim rule in Spain was called al-Andalus by Muslims while Jews called it sepharad. The period of Muslim rule in Spain was from 711 to 1031 CE.
The U.S. President Trump, after the past few presidents have been holding this off, Has finally made the decision and signed the waiver making the decision to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Though they already could make this decision long ago, every six months, the past presidents kept holding it off. There is more to it, but the simple answer is Jerusalem. However your question does not seem legit... why do you ask this?
It was very rough for them. They had to constantly be working usually without a break. They had to put a lot of effort to get the job they needed to do done.
Hope that helped!!
<span>Strict Scrutiny</span>
Strict scrutiny is a stringent form of
judicial review used by courts to determine the constitutionality of certain laws.
It is a hierarchy of standards used to determine the weightier between a
constitutional right and the government’s interest in a case.