fourth industrial revolution affect by reducing the road fatalities and insurance costs, and carbon emissions. This driving innovation across growing numbers of products and services, and the more data you have, the better the predictions get.Machine learning algorithms can analyze these billions of transactions and variables to make businesses smarter. They can help businesses anticipate trends in consumer demands, personalize promotions for individual customers, and optimize pricing. But sometimes There are some hefty moral and ethical implications for many things.
Because time varies with change in longitudes
Because of all the industry they have there. Also because of all the mountains and how little space they have due to the huge population of Japan.
Altitude and relief features.
- In Ethiopia, the climate changes mostly with altitudes and stays from hot to arid and to cool in plateaus. As t located near the equator, the country has variations in climate throughout the year.
- There exist various plateaus such as Ethiopian highland and mountainous ranges in the country which is responsible for the different climate of the places.
Following a unified approach, an objective criterion has been developed for the determination of yearwise onset and withdrawal dates of the summer monsoon over the 19 subregions across India. In total 14 meteorological parameters are considered in the development of the objective criteria, two of which represent heating over south Asia-Middle East sector and Tibet-Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindukush Highlands (THIKHIHILS), two intensity of the general atmospheric circulation (GAC) over eastern hemisphere, three intensity of regional circulations and seven local hydro-meteorological conditions.