She’s possibly trying to evoke pity, fear, a sense of injustice, or even make the reader feel a sort of sadness because you know that the person you are reading about is getting hurt emotionally. Something we individuals find despicable and inhumane. Also, threatening and menacing a person with hell fire in their last moments of living is pretty evil because God is a generous person who doesn’t cause grief and if the person believes such lies they will not only die unhappy but they will also become fearful to even die.
In modern culture the name Hades could also refer to the devil due to false belief Hates is similar to the devil. Hades also lives in the Underworld, which also is believed to be called hell in modern culture. Also Underworld can be referred to as a suspicious place where criminal activities take place.
The daily life of a Puritan in Colonial America New England during the 17tf century was a busy one. Puritans believed that idle hands were the devil’s playground! A typical day started at dawn and ended at dusk. Their lives focused on religion and following God’s plan—attending church was mandatory.
The NSC enables learners to access to a variety of post-school opportunities depending on their performance in Grade 12. The opportunities include entry-level employment, admission to learnerships and internships, and admission to colleges, universities and other higher education institutions.
i think it definition 3
since he loved to learn about new things, he was most likely deeply attached to the things he was learning.