Woodpecker Plateau is a beautiful piece, depending on the artist, unfortunately.
However, I am not quite sure of your question? What exactly is your question?
Answer: jongleurs
Explanation: Jongleurs were popular entertainers in medieval France. They would travel around, performing in marketplaces, abbeys, castles for people and nobles. The acts included juggling, acrobatics, music, and reciting. The work they sang and recited was popular or traditional. In cases when they would be a permanent employee, they would become Trouvère or ménestrel, depending on what they would primarily do.
This profession later declined and started to die out as professional entertainers started to divide their roles between acrobats, singers, musicians, actors, etc.
Say your name and something you do for fun
Lines ar ewhat make art they can create the contous and outlines and can be a continious mark.
The narrator's mother tolerated his friendship with Bodh Raj because she realised that the narrator was lonely and needed company.