There isnt much to go on but i would think the "los gauchos"
- <u>Translated from Spanish language:</u>
"Hi, Adriana: I need to know where computers are repaired. Yesterday (1) my boyfriend's computer and (2) I searched the Internet and found a place to repair computers. I went there and at the door there was a notice that said: "No (3) this week, we are on vacation". I am very concerned. If I don't solve this soon, I will have to buy a new one. I know a store where it says (4) credit computers. How do you like it ?, precisely now that (5) employment and I have to look after my expenses. Please, if you know anything, call me immediately. I leave you because (6) close the car and it is outside the garage."
1- los dedos, los ojos y la boca.
2- a ella no le importo lo superficial.
3- nunca se rindió con él.
4- que no importa que la persona que te gusta tenga una enfermedad.
1 podemos ir al mercado.
2 quiero ir a nadar.
3 no ay que ir para alla, es muy peligroso!
4 ya me voy a ir a dormir.
5 ay que ir a comer.
6 quiero ir a la neveria.
7 quieres ir al cine ?
8 vamos a ir para la casa de tu amigo?
step four would be "cubrir la boca"