The 4 possibilities are :
as you can see....
in conclusion ....
what poetic styles did you discuss today?
It means that its always lined up
What is the author's main purpose in the passage PURITAN LAWS AND CHARACTER? A to expand upon Puritan religion, culture, law, and its historical impact on the American colonies.
A)The Hoga came down from above and found Earth covered with water.
F)So they sent Muskrat down into the water.
G)Then they sent Loon down.
H)Then they sent Beaver down into the water.
I)When he came up there was a little mud in his claws.
J)But the people took the mud out of his claws and made the land.
Elements of Earth Diver Story
A)The story tell the creation from water
F)The character is the earth diver (animal)
G)The character is the earth diver (animal)
H)The character is the earth diver (animal)
I)The earth diver retrieves a bit of mud
J)The mud expands to become Earth
i hope this helped:)