Mexico City
It was Mexico City because it was formed a confederacy by Talcopan and Texcoco and was founded by the marshes of Lake Texcoco.
It is known as the Fairness Doctrine. The improvement of the communicate media brought beginning turmoil basically in light of the fact that close-by stations frequently utilized the same or contiguous radio frequencies, meddling with each other's communicates. Congress passed the Communications Act, which managed broadcasting and made the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to direct the procedure. Supporters must be authorized, and in light of the fact that the quantity of frequencies is constrained, permitting required political unbiasedness. The Communications Act additionally contained an "equivalent time" arrangement, which restricts supporters from offering or offering broadcast appointment to a political applicant without offering to offer or give an equivalent measure of broadcast appointment to different contender for a similar office.
He order the building the Great Wall and standardized system of weights and measures. He also ended the feudal state system and reorganized China into states and counties under a central government. He connected all the walls along the northern border. He also supported the irrigation system along the Yangtze Valley, helping to support the Chinese people. Additionally, Confucian thought that a country can be successfully governed only if the government has the support of the people.