Any situation or law that would make the general citizenship think they are being oppressed or unfairly represented by the government, or want more power or more representation, and also in a situation where revolt is not only possible but safe to a point that most people are comfortable with, i.e. The Revolutionary War in the United States.
Well, kinda. The first voyages were to scout, for food, resources, and riches, which included gold. But their primary target was not for gold.
hope this helps:/
The first American troops landed at Salerno on 9 September 1943, by U.S. 5th Army, however, German troops in Italy were prepared and after the Allied troops at Salerno had consolidated their beachhead, The Germans launched fierce counterattacks.
June 18th the president signed a declaration of war against Britain.
The day of ratification for the treaty of Ghent was February 1st.
The act o f seizing shipments for public use or impressing into public service is known as Impressment.
The war of 1812 was also called the second war of Independence.
TheOrders in Council required neutral countries to obtain a license from its authorities before trading with France.
it filled the building with a terrible smell