I would say definitely use your time wisely. Make sure you are fully focused too. Though it may be difficult to focus, (I understand) try and find some outside resources that can help you bring interest into what you're learning in any subject.
<span>Sue admires her friend's excellent SINGING.
The gerund is used as a noun.</span>
pronoun, singular nominative she,possessive her or hers,objective her;plural nominative they,possessive their or theirs,objective them.
<h3> </h3><h3>#carryONlearning </h3>
I live in Plymouth hahaha right next to playmouth plantation
Two people wake up in a cave, and their adventure to get out.
A love story, two people in love, they break up, but end up together in the end.
Also, you could do a personal narrative about YOU, and all about yourself