Answer: D. Matching principle
The matching principle simply states that organizations or businesses should recognize both the revenues that the company makes and their related expenses that are incurred by the company in same accounting period.
The main idea behind the matching concept is so that earnings that are made by a business will not be misstated.
M2 = $470 billion.
M2 = Currency + Money market mutual fund + Time deposits + Saving deposits
M2 = 200 billion + 10 billion + 40 billion + 220 billion
M2 = $470 billion.
M2 is a calculation of the money supply that includes all elements of M1 as well as "near money"
The banking that allows that can be chase.
The correct answer is a) distributional.
The standard error is the standard deviation of the sample distribution of a sample statistic.1 The term also refers to an estimate of the standard deviation, derived from a particular sample used to compute the estimate.
The sample mean is the usual estimator of a population mean. However, different samples chosen from the same population tend in general to give different values of sample means. The standard error of the mean (that is, the error due to the estimation of the population mean from the sample means) is the standard deviation of all possible samples (of a given size) chosen from that population. In addition, the standard error of the mean can refer to an estimate of the standard deviation, calculated from a sample of data that is being analyzed at the same time.
B. No, because the efficiencies gained from exploiting comparative advantage generate more winners than losers.
Everything has its all pros and cons. When international trade takes place, people in the economy are happy, because of wide variety and options given.
Further the traders, manufacturers also tend to grow as due to competition they improve with the quality standards, designs, variations, etc:
Competition forces to excel in any kind of job you do. And that only the best players and performers stay in the market.
This is the advantage, of such international trades.