<span>Streptococcus is a genus of coccus (spherical) Gram-positive bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes[3] and the order Lactobacillales (lactic acid bacteria). Cell division in this genus occurs along a single axis in these bacteria, thus they grow in chains or pairs, hence the name—from Greekstreptos, meaning easily bent or twisted, like a chain (twisted chain). Contrast this with staphylococci, which divide along multiple axes and generate grape-like clusters of cells.)</span>
The answer is that both produce carbohydrates and water.
Plants to do it in a process called photosynthesis, and they produce oxygen as well and sulfur bacteria do it in a process called chemo-synthesis, and they produce sulfur apart from carbohydrates and water.
One advantage of genetic engineering is the production of valuable proteins: recombinant DNA made possible the use of bacteria to produce proteins of medical importance such as genetically engineered human insulin which is of great importance.
Another advantage is the production of vaccines. Vaccines produced by genetic engineering offer an advantage that the microbial strains from which proteins are extracted do not contain complete viruses and thus there is no risk of accidental inoculation with live virus.
Plant diversity creates a more nutritionally balanced diet for honey bees, especially in terms of pollen. What other benefit do honey bees gain through this diversity?
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