Answer: Phenotype
The phenotype is the set of physical characteristics of an individual, that make it different from other individuals and are evident to the eye.
While the genes inherited from the parents determine the genotype of the individual, that's not enough to fully determine how it will look when it develops, as the ambient where it will grow takes a great part of it. Those factors are called epigenetics.
How an individual will look, its phenotype, is a result of its genes and the epigenetic factors.
Water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are among the few simple molecules that can cross the cell membrane by diffusion (or a type of diffusion known as osmosis ). Diffusion is one principle method of movement of substances within cells, as well as the method for essential small molecules to cross the cell membrane.
Hope this helps!
So, Mechanical and Chemical Digestion is the way of breaking down foods in the body. The difference between Mechanical and Chemical Digestion is, Mechanical Digestion involves the body's movement to make the food smaller and Chemical Digestion involves enzymes to break the food down.
Since Mechanical Digestion involves moving around to break the food down, you would get up and walk around a little to burn it to make it work and Chemical Digestion is just using the natural enzymes in the body to break food down.
Beneficios: desarrollar inmunidad,ayuda al sistema inmunológico a desarrollar la misma respuesta que una infección real, para que pueda desarrollar anticuerpos y combatirla en el futuro.La viruela se ha erradicado por completo gracias a las vacunas y la poliomielitis no se queda atrás. Las vacunas contra la polio todavía se administran para ayudar a mantener el control de la enfermedad hasta que se haya eliminado en todo el mundo.
Daño: síntomas de un resfriado o fiebre leve que muestra que su cuerpo está combatiendo la infección. Puede haber dolor en los músculos o enrojecimiento en el lugar de la inyección. Todos estos efectos secundarios muy leves desaparecen en un par de días, las alergias
humans affect the levels of carbon dioxide in the air is by us humans using buring fossil fuels releases a chemical into the atmosphere reducing the amount of force cover and the rapid expansion of farming developing and and
industrial activities Are the least ink carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and changing the balance of the climate system