Pandemic-the spread of disease across a wide area
Tariff-a tax on imported goods
Global warming-the gradual increase in earth’s average temperature
I think it's just the last option :))
The steam machine
James Watt, had no access to primary education, being educated initially by his parents, and at age 18, interested in studying and manufacturing instruments of measures, that's how he arrived in the steam machine. His name is, until today, honored by the international system of measures, in Watt measurement, which calculates the energy expended as a function of time.
The Commercial Revolution lead many feudal and local entities to be diminished or disappeared entirely, but some reinvented themselves to become absolutist monarchies and national states. This violent process contributed to the Wars of Religion.
This culminated in the Thirty Years War (1618–48), within the Holy Roman Empire between German Protestants and their allies (Sweden, Denmark, France) and the Holy Roman Emperor and his Habsburg allies. It began as a religious war, but ended as a struggle for national superiority.