“books original entry refers to the accounting journals in which business transcriptions are initially recorded the information in these books are summarized and posted into a general ledger from which financial statements are produced"
a practice that may have longer term implications on the ethics of personal privacy
Cookies are a tool that is used on websites to identify user browser history.
The information on a user's browsing habits is then used by businesses to tailor display information relevant to what they are usually interested in.
Usually they are a safe way to improve browsing experience, but they can be used by criminals to spy on people and gain unwanted access to their data.
Cookies save information about a user session by storing data like usernames.
There is a long term danger of having one's browsing history tracked without their consent
rework hope this helps :)
The answer is: B) An inflow of $12,000
Croft Company's cash flow should include the total cash inflow (the company received money) of $12,000. Even if the company bought the land the day before, paying the $10,000 yesterday, the cash flows are independent one from another. It should have recorded the outflow of $10,000 "yesterday".
La cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias (P&G) es un estado financiero que resume los ingresos, los costos y los gastos incurridos durante un período específico, generalmente un trimestre o año fiscal. La cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias es sinónimo de la cuenta de resultados. Estos registros proporcionan información sobre la capacidad o incapacidad de una empresa para generar beneficios mediante el aumento de los ingresos, la reducción de los costos o ambos. Algunos se refieren al estado de ganancias y pérdidas como un estado de ganancias y pérdidas, estado de resultados, estado de operaciones, estado de resultados financieros o ingresos, estado de ganancias o estado de gastos