<span>Positive reinforcement is more likely to strengthen a behavior as the behavior is then associated with the reward, creating a positive association ensures that the behavior will be repeated again in the future.</span>
Answer and Explanation:
This means that a theory which leads to imposing moral standards universally without regard to people's historical and psychological differences are based off of subjectivism and lack any form of thorough investigation(normative science). This is self explanatory in the question where it says "...postulates moral truths enunciated by self-evident intuitions that are unchangeable". Moral standards such as this are mostly based on traditions that are subjective and are not given to transparency. This is opposed to when questions may be asked and investigations come into play as to why a particular moral opinion is taken enabling a society appreciate or understand a moral stance based on it's historical, cultural or psychological origins.
The correct answer is the 4th one
Step one of the z model corresponds to the thinking cognitive style