The fundamental principle of a Republic form of government is the separation of different government bodies and the limits of power on the head of State.
In effect, this means that the government and the country are 'public matters' and not the affair of a few unelected head of States.
The basic idea is to give power back to the people and ensure that the country is run by the many and not the few.
The ideals of Republican government are not new and have existed in some form since the ancient Roman Republics.
Today, most countries describe themselves as Republics, though, it is a matter of dispute if they are truly are one.
C. The government receives its right to rule from God.
Reviewed, read explanation.
Paragraph 1: Second sentence would sound better if you added how trade even helped develop some of the empire's economies. For example, the Tang Empire thrived off of the silk China traded on the Silk Road. "Trade even spread religion all around the world" Specify, 'like the religion of_____' (HINT: Buddhism). 'Trade to and from Rome led a lot of people to turn to Christanity and Catholicsm' I suggest not saying turn to but convert. Last sentence does not make sense after talking about how interactions between traders led to converstion of different religions, maybe move it to the tip after you say 'anything from crops to even their langauges' then add a transition sentence after that so things flow better.
Paragraph 2: 'One of the more popular trade routes is called The Silk Road' replace popular with notable. 'The Silk Road was lengthy, spreading from Persia to China and all the countries in between.' I don't think lengthy is the right adjective, try just saying long or large. Also, I thought The Silk Road was from China to Rome/West Europe? Fact check please. 'The Silk Road was very benevolent in trade and allowed many countries to exchange goods' The idea of countries really did not exist at this time. Try replacing countries with regions or civilizations.
Paragraph 3: 'Without the trade business, we wouldn't be able to have a wide range of items.' Replace trae business with trading network. You also say 'we' should first person pronouns be used in an essay like this? Check with your teacher. Overall, nice job!
Generally speaking, it was the "slum dwellers" and the "immigrants" who did not share in the prosperity of the late 1800s in the United States, since they were the lower class workers.