Which of these are credible sources that would help you answer the research question? Check all that apply. Research question: W
hat parts of Prometheus’s story show what was important to the Greeks? A. a .edu site for a college course in Greek mythology
B. a book of Greek myths
C. a blog about mythical characters
D. a wiki page on Greek mythology
E. an encyclopedia entry on Prometheus
A. a .edu site for a college course in Greek mythology
B. a book of Greek myths
E. an encyclopedia entry on Prometheus
Prometheus, one of the Titans in Greek mythology, was the god of fire. An craftman expert considered the smartest of his race, he was credited with the formation of people and with giving them fire and different sorts of aptitudes and information. His name signifies "forethought."
Prometheus was the child of the Titan Iapetus and of either the ocean sprite Clymene or the goddess Themis. Atlas* and Epimetheus were his siblings; Hesione, daughter of the Titan Oceanus, was his significant other.
Well the introduction paragraph introduces what you're talking about and the conclusion paragraph is used to draw the final point, or get whoever is reading your text to agree with your opinion or what you were writing about