There are no choices listed but if there is no separation of
powers in a government then that means that power will be in the hands of a
single entity. Even if there are
branches in that government, the one that wields the most power will be the one
ruling the country and with that there is a danger of abuse of power and suppression of human rights.
As Eric Hobsbawm explained in <em>The Age of Extremes</em>, World War I happened when the European Empires were crumbling and falling into pieces. Liberal theorists opposed to war as a means of Empires to gain power over others. The economic costs clearly disfavored war but there were also the ethical and moral aspects that gained momentum prior to WW I. These aspects materialised again in the 70s (Vietnam war) when more people started to protest against the human costs of war.
You are not doing this for justice you are doing it to be favored!
Thats what I think
Native Americans accused Americans of settling their land.