Puritans influenced the political, economic and social development of the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s. Their main purpose of coming to America was to acquire religious freedom. ... He states that New England is originally a plantation of Religion, not a plantation of trade.
Answer:D. Thousand
To be more exact their were 44,000 camps
One core Republican belief is spread by religious fundamentalists, and it’s a conviction to do war against others by outpopulating them – reproducing more than the other humans do.
The other core belief of the Republican Party is that wealth trickles down from employers, instead of percolating up from employees and from consumers-in-general (i.e., from the given firm’s customers).
After the restoration of 1660 of the royal domain in England, it was necessary to obtain a Royal Letter from King Charles II. The King was a Catholic supporter in a strongly Protestant England, and he approved the promise of religious freedom of the colony granted the request with the Royal Charter of 1663, joining the four settlements in the Rhode Island colony and the Providence plantations. In the following years, many persecuted groups settled in the colony, especially Quakers and Jews.The Rhode Island colony was very progressive for the time, passing laws that abolished witchcraft trials, debt imprisonment, most of the capital punishment
The Truman administration wants to implement the universal military training in preparation for a defense attack against the communists. It trains American males for combat and military services. However, Wallace wants the opposite of Truman's actions, he desires of a peaceful foreign policy to lessen death tolls and taxes.