2 insulation
3 protection
5 sneeze
7 collide
The colonisation of Australia had a devastating impact on Indigenous ... territory against other colonial powers, and establish a British base
He likes candy chicken omg you don’t know
There are many different perceptions and definitions for loyalty. Everyone considers loyalty to be defined as respect, honesty, love and patients. I am going to spend the next five minutes explaining a new way to look at some forgotten definitions of loyalty and what it consists of.
I know that you have heard of devotion, but have you ever consider devotion being related with loyalty. When you have certain task and responsibilities you become devoted to completing them and staying on top of your game. You become devoted to performing at your very best and you make sure the least amount of mistakes is made. If you dig deeper you will see that being devoted to something is also a way of being loyal. Strive to be devoted to what you are trying to accomplish and you will also find yourself being loyal to what you are doing.
Now I want to talk about another way to look at loyalty. I am going to assume here and say that everyone in this room has a type of religion they follow. In religion you become devoted to your religion. You are righteous, you believe, you follow, and you become faithful to your religion. Faithfulness takes a lot of hard work dedication, time and trust. The time you spend and the effort you put out helps you become a better person and helps better the people around you. You encounter many obstacles on your chosen path but you still remain faithful in what you believe in. Again look closer at the word faithful and you will see that it is also a way of being loyal. To be faithful to your religion no matter what stands in the way or what other people say or think about it is also being loyal to what you believe in.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, and liberty and justice for all."
Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The O.S.H.A is an abbreviation representing the words," Occupational Safety and Health Administration. O.S.H.A is a government agency in the United States which is responsible for maintaining standards of health and safety in workplaces. The O.S.H.A is responsible for controlling the hazards which occur at construction sites, construction industries or while construction. The hazards which are regulated by the O.S.H.A are Falls (from heights), Trench collapse,Scaffold collapse, Electric shock and arc flash/arc blast, Failure to use proper personal protective equipment; and Repetitive motion injuries.
In respect to Oscar's request to find the keywords which will aid him in his research, the keywords are Occupational Safety and Health Administration.