The verb estar is an irregular verb, that means, it does not follow the pattern of all other "regular" -AR verbs.
The verb estar means "To Be" for temporary characteristics.
Think LCP (Large Cheese Pizza)
L- Location
C- Condition
P- Participle.
Those are when you use estar.
Conjugations of estar:
I am yo estoy
you are(Informal) tu estás
he/she is / you are(Formal) el/ella está // ud. está
We are nosotros estamos
You all are (spain only) - Vosotros Estáis
They are Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Estan
Sentence: I am happy today
Yo estoy feliz hoy
I have a very interesting job, but in ten years
usted is more formal. if not certain which to use, use usted instead of tú considering its better to be more formal than less formal.
Answer: True
Translation: where there is lightning it is not a good idea to swim