More, had a comparative advantage, produce more
In the previous example, the United States and Brazil were efficient when they specialized. Brazil choose to specialize in the production of bananas because it in producing it. The United States and Brazil when they specialize.
Comercio y mercadotecnia???
This shows his sexual orientation, preference, or could be multiple different answer. Are there options?
Answer: possible self
Explanation: possible self is simply defined as presently having an ideal or recognition of what we what to be in the future and most times we have plan and arrange it all in our head( cognitive memory). Possible self entails the aspect of ourself we really wish or preferred it comes to pass(preferred self), the aspect of our self we are undecided about and yet to picture it clearly
(reluctant self)and the last is the aspect of our life that we are greatly afraid of and which it does not come to pass(feared self)
It is like having a preview of the your future (ideal self). A person may in the present say in 10 years time, he must have been married with 3 kids and working Ina large construction firm. This example above is called possible self.
Because they just wanted children and the children would be better speakers