My best friend and I are flying to South America this week for a vacation. When we get out of the plane, the people of land will meet us at the airport and escort us to our hotel room on the beach.My best friend and I can't wait to go swimming on the beach after that maybe experience surfing, or dolphin swimming. Maybe during the week we can go explore South America it's either animals and what they do here.
Mi mejor amigo y yo volamos a Sudamérica esta semana para unas vacaciones. Cuando salgamos del avión, la gente de la tierra nos recibirá en el aeropuerto y nos acompañará a nuestra habitación de hotel en la playa. Mi mejor amigo y yo estamos ansiosos por ir a nadar en la playa después de eso, tal vez experimentar el surf, o nadar con delfines. Tal vez durante la semana podamos ir a explorar Sudamérica, ya sea animales y lo que hacen aquí.
German has more reflexive verbs/harder words to pronounce than English, but it's identical. Also, the use of reflexive pronouns is optional in English. However, in German, some verbs always require reflexive pronouns.