Tax on legal document was another for prohibition as a result of this sons of liberty would tar and feather people.
Adam Smith implies with his theory of the invisible hand that each person moves selfishly within the economic area, however the individual riches also benefits the rest of the population.
I think the theory speaks of the trust that people deposit in moving within their own businesses, which is a good thing.
The title is ""governor".
In some nations governors are elected directly by the people and in some countries the chief executive appoints the state executives.
The founders of the US most likely took ideas from the Romans because their system allowed for the citizens to have a voice in who ran their empire. Considering that the US just broke away from Great Britain when starting a new country, they wanted to ensure that their citizens had a voice. When the Americans were colonists, they had little/no influence on government policies and laws.
The Romans established a republic for very similar reasons, as they had a tyrannical king who they overthrew. With a new start, the Romans created a government where people got to elect political officials, there were term limits for the two consuls, and the Senate (comprising of 300 people) had the chance to make laws. The United States probably saw this as a highly effective system in which multiple voices could be heard, so they based our foundation on the ones created by the Romans.
As maritime polar air masses are cool and moist hence they bring cloudy and damp weather to the USA covering the northern Atlantic and Northern Pacific oceans, mostly influenced by the pacific northwest and northeast air masses.