si estas traduciendo es:
New technologies are being developed every day. It is interesting to read and think about the possibilities.
For this activity you need to search the internet for a Spanish language electronic newspaper. Find an article in the science or technology section that interests you. After you read the article, write one summary paragraph in Spanish using at least five progressive verbs. Be sure to include a link to your source! You can find them by yourself, or here are some ideas for you.
Fort his exercise, we have to complete the senteces with the correct form of the verbs SABER or CONOCER
The verbs saber and conocer are like in English TO KNOW. The differences are the following ones: saber is used to talk about to know information, facts or a language for example. And conocer is used to talk about how you know a person or a place.
Yo: sé/conozco
Tú: sabes/conoces
Él/ella/usted: sabe/conoce
Nosotros: sabemos/conocemos
Ellos/ellas/ustedes: saben/conocen
1. ¿Tú sabes hablar francés? (Do you know how to speak French?)
2. Yo sé cómo hacer la tarea. (I know how to do the homework)
3. Mis padres no conocen el Parque Nacional Yosemite. (My parents do not know the National Park Yosemite)
4. Anita y yo sabemos dónde está el parque. (Anita and I know where the park is)
5. Quien sabe dos lenguas vale por (is worth) dos. (Who knows two languages is worth for two)
Answer: Hello my name is Camilo and I have 15 years old. I am from Colombia. I like to sing and create music. I am very artistic and a hardworker too. I have to work a lot, so that means im not lazy and im not that serious. In my free time i like to play soccer. I am athletic, sports are very fun !
<span>Pronouns are used in place of nouns. The purpose of pronouns is to avoid repeticion and make sentences essier to understand; somr pronouns are, he, she, it, they.</span>