Carolina You like alex? , yes?
Martha What? Where is the blue sweater that i want to buy?
Carolina I don't know... in don't see it. Look, here i got you a blue dress. Oh no Alex, I don't like those pants! And the vest is very big for you!
Alex So, i am going to find other pants and a smaller vest
Carolina I'ts ok, you also need a black belt
Alex Here there aren't any. But i know a shop where we can buy one
Carolina Perfect! Martha, are you going to dress?, i want to see how the dress fits you
Marta Here i go! Do i wear this for the movie?
Alex It fits you well
Carolina No! i prefer this squared dress
1 expulsor: Al profesor le gusta expulsar a la gente de clase.
2 expulsor: El teniente estaba en un entrenamiento y el expulsor se le atascó
1. Hay que recoger antes de salir al recreo
2. Hay que mantener el aula limpia
3. Hay que respetar a todos nuestros compañeros
4. Hay que levantar la mano para hablar
5. Hay que cerrar las ventanas al irnos del aula
1. Se prohibe faltar el respeto a los compañeros
2. Se prohibe romper el material escolar
3. Se prohibe salir del aula en hora de clase
4. Se prohibe gritar
5. Se prohibe faltar el respeto a los profesores
add my i... is ynwelsa if u ever need help. im from spain <3 have a great day beautiful
Estaban is past tense, estuvieron is present tense.