The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a golden opportunity for several of the contemporary powers to exert influence, test new weapons and learn lessons useful for the new great European war in the making in the 1930s. The Third Reich supported fellow fascist forces led by the rebel top military leader, Gen. Francisco Franco, who commanded the rebellion against the leftist Republican government of Madrid. Il Duce Benito Mussolini, the leader of fascit Italy, also offered his support to Spanish "franquistas."
Both Germany and Italy provided weapons, supplies, training and even military personnel to FRanco´s army. The German Luftwaffe tried his new bombers and sent pilots to assist the advance of Spanish fascist units. Tanks were supplied, too. It was German airplanes that carried out the infamous bombing of Guernica, in the Basque Country, a tragedy immortalized by Picasso´s work Guernica.
On the other side, the Soviet Union supported the Republic government with weapons, supplies and some trainers and advisers.