If this occurs, the bill becomes law over the President's objections. A pocket veto occurs when Congress adjourns during the ten-day period. The president cannot return the bill to Congress. The president's decision not to sign the legislation is a pocket veto and Congress does not have the opportunity to override.
the best time to take advantage of this will be in the next couple of years" – the industry got a grip. ... The reforms were about the survival of the NHS in straitened times. ... That's some powerful lobbying from the likes of Monsanto et al.o the extent that businesses did lobby in the 1950s and 1960s (typically ... trying to keep government out of its business (as they did for a long time), ... started, [management] thought government relations did something else.
<span>national security with the civil liberties of individuals</span>
He was the governor of Georgia
The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at an American government.