score based on its axis because it turns real
Ragtime is usually defined as a song that is in 2/4 time or 4/4 time people usually get it confused with 3/4 time however that is considered a ragtime waltz. Ragtime is used by taking the base line and using progressive harmonic chords that may be punch or silent while the melody is carried out through the Alto,Soprano lines as it uses syncopation which makes the song being played off beat and unexpected. It's related to jazz by the fact that Jazz itself rather replaced Ragtime due to the rising amount of bands that added a unique style to the ragtime with a 70+ BPM and usually included it in many records.
A. true it is true because if you actually pay attention in class then you would get it right... jk have fun
hi cherly not cherry
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ur so amazing
I believe the answer is paint