Solution :
x = float_(input())
y = float_(input())
z = float_(input())
res1 = x**z
res2 = x**(y**z)
res3 = abs(x-y)
res4 = (x**z)**0.5
print('{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}'.format(res1,res2,res3,res4))
Output is :
172.47 361.66 3.50 13.13
For each user who comes to your site the google analytics automatically capture the traffic source dimensions Source, Medium, Campaign name.
- There cannot be any reference to a website without an origin source.
- The source is basically the origin of your traffic such as a search engine (google) or a domain (ex: Twitter).
- Every referral to a website also has a medium along with the source.
- examples are -: unpaid search, "cost per click", referral, mail.
Campaign name:
- The campaign Name is the name referring to the google ads campaign.
Following code are:
int *temp; //declaration of variable
// perform swapping
temp = xp;
xp = yp;
yp = temp;
we declare an integer data type pointer variable "*temp" then perform swapping between them.
The variables "xp" and "yp" are already declared and these variables are performing swapping among three.