The answer to your question is below
1. Carolina se despierta a las 7:00 de la mañana cuando suena su despertador.
2. Sin embargo, nunca se levanta hasta las 7:30.
3. Lo primero que hace después de levantarse es ducharse.
4. Después de ducharse, se viste.
5. Después de vestirse, desayuna.
6. Después del desayuno, se lava los dientes y se peina.
7. Carolina se maquilla después de peinarse.
8. Por último, se pone la chaqueta y sale para la oficina.
I’m pretty sure the answer is: a (three)
<span>Pedro mario, are you still looking (1)? Do not you see we're going to be late? Mario, I'm sorry, but I can not go to your friend's party. They spend a football game. pedro but my friend's parties are more (2) lively and more entertaining than any football game. all matches are the same ... twenty-two fools running behind a ball, (3) screaming (shouting) like crazy and (4) whistling without stopping. Mario, you can not convince me today. is the final of (5) and I am sure that my (6) favorite team will (7) win. Peter and you're not going to (8), here? alone, while all your friends dance? mario ?? jam ?? s! Everyone comes to watch the game with me! and then we go to (9) the victory. pedro that (10) of the match. I'm leaving ... wait, my friend is calling the cell phone ... what? you tell me, pink? What is the party here? in my house? what? you also want to watch the match? Oh, that I surrender (give up)!</span>
El vecino del a lado construye edificios pero no es carpintero. “Es un ingeniero”