the core's extreme temperature and density are just right for the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium through the proton-proton chain.Energy is made through the process of nuclear fusion. This is when two hydrogen nuclei join to make helium. This occurs in the sun's core where there is very high pressure and temperature.
Nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium occurs naturally in the sun and other stars. It takes place only at extremely high temperatures. That’s because a great deal of energy is needed to overcome the force of repulsion between the positively charged nuclei. The sun’s energy comes from fusion in its core, shown in the Figure below. In the core, temperatures reach millions of degrees Kelvin.
# Bora 7#
In my life for the first time [and,] the image made me believe [of] my mother that I could change [were] the way things *were*.
remove and & of because it makes no sense in the context of the sentence and move were to the end of the sentence.
The king sends people to the arena because he thinks that if they chose the right door (the lady) they were good people but if they chose the wrong door (the tiger) they deserved it and they were bad people.
The connotation of a word describes an idea, image, or feeling that is different from the words actual meaning(denotation)