C. Immediately.
The term "summarily hanged" denotes the immediate execution of the order or punishment. This means there is no delay in the carrying out of the order.
When the statement reads <em>"any civilian caught interfering with the railroad . . . will be summarily hanged; the penalty will be carried out immediately."</em> The immediate effect of the punishment without any delay in its execution is in correspondence with the phrase "summarily hanged".
Buck becomes a leader primarily because of the recognition he receives from others, human and non-human. And that is the key to Buck's transformation from being some kind of sultan in sunny California to a leader of any pack worth its salt, in which he exercises with camaraderie, respect and courage
Ok 3 words for Ulysses Ineluctable Bladderwrack Embattle
He could not ineluctably leave from where he was.
We had to make a batch of Bladderwrack to help with our plantings.
We were not ready for the Embattle, but we prepared the best we could.
Lady of Shalott Casement Bower Eaves
We could hear the rain running off the Eaves of the house.
I saw a bird sitting on the casement of the window.
Meet me in my bower to discuss details privately.
You'll want to leave it out. if it isn't conducive to the content of your paper, it's more like a distraction from what you're trying to say. parentheses might be a "safe" way to signify a side topic, but it weakens the paper as a general statement because the reader has to pause and take a moment to absorb a new topic before going back to what you were saying